Working process

01. Processing your application

Call or submit an application on our site and we’ll contact you.

Initially we focus on building personal rapport, and then share our thoughts with each other establishing a positive connection and develop a new project, carefully absorbing to all desires, inspirations and practical requirements of our customers. This chat becomes the starting point in our pathway to achieving your dream home. At this stage we also discuss the budget which helps determine all of our options. We endeavour to help improve your home regardless of budget and work on projects of every scale.

02. Taking measurements, photo fixation of the site, consultation

Meeting up, taking all necessary measurements, pictures of the site, collecting other useful information.

03. Making an offer, conclusion of a contract.

After the meeting, we define an appropriate service bundle, negotiate the offer and sign a contract. You transfer an advance and we start.

04. Elaborating the terms of reference to the project

Communicating, we collect all the necessary information: your personal vision on the project, preferences, desires and tastes, lifestyle, to realize it in a single document – terms of reference, that’ll become a keystone for the whole future concept. We sign it after approval only.

05. Drafting planning solutions

We draw up measurement plans and offer up to 5 planning solutions, according to the terms of reference. Having received your feedback, we finalize plans till your approval.

06. 3D visualizations (may include collage)

Based on ready-made terms of reference and plans, we create the stylistic collage or 3D visualization of your future interior’s concept. Approval, next payment.

07. Detailed layouts and plans, specification of products and materials (HRTA – “Concept”)

Using the Concept, any professional construction team can implement it. Well-tailored Concept both simplifies drafting budget specifications and serves as a manual for the construction team. Next payment after approval.

08. Construction team selection

We can give you a hand with a construction team selection: suggest you the team could successfully implement the Concept. After a couple of meetings with them, approving the specifications and conclusion of the contract, implementation process begins.

09. Designer’s supervision process and procurement.

Supervision is intended to bring the concept to originally designed form and avoid all distractions for customers, in other words, to keep effort, time and money safe. The service involves site visiting, advising all parties (customers, construction team, suppliers, subcontractors) on the Concept implementation, editing previously issued documents, if its necessary according to terms of reference, and preparing new ones for third parties. We can also lead all the procurement process: drafting manufacturers and suppliers, purchasing and delivery support for products, materials etc.